Keynote Speakers
Tuesday, July 19
Opening Ceremony: Tuesday, 9:30 – 10:00 am
Welcome Address: Tuesday, 10:30 – 10:20 am
Host University President
Opening Keynote I: Tuesday, 10:20 – 11:10 am
Mr. Sumihiro Takaoka
Sumi S.A. President
Japan Paraguay Chamber of Commerce
Keynote II: Tuesday, 11:00 – 11:40 am
Heriberto García-Reyes, PhD
Regional Chairman
Industrial Engineering Department
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Monterrey, Mexico
Dr. Heriberto Garcia-Reyes is a professor and Regional Chairman of the Industrial Engineering Department. He has been a faculty member at Tecnologico de Monterrey, since 1998. He conducts research about the analysis, design, and improvement of supply chain and production systems that involve the integration of technology, people, and processes. He has published in conference such as IERC, ISERC, Winter Simulation Conference and ASEE annual conference among others. He has successfully completed projects for several enterprises in Mexico such as Nemak, Tubacero, Cemex, Sigma Alimentos, State Government, Gruma, Vitro, Coca-Cola and Sisamex among others. He is coauthor of a book entitled Simulación y Análisis de Sistemas con ProModel and has several technical articles in journals and conferences describing his research accomplishments. Regarding the service to the academia he collaborates as co-chair for the Latin American tack in the IERC 2010 and 2011, also as reviewer for the Journal of Supply Chain Management: an International Journal, Journal of Production Economics and Estudios Gerenciales Journal of Management and Economics for Iberoamerica. He is a member of the technical committee for the CENEVAL exam and member of the industrial engineering technical commission of CACEI.
Keynote III: Tuesday, 11:40 am – 12:20 pm
Professor Duc Truong Pham
Chance Professor of Engineering
Director of Research
Department of Mechanical Engineering
School of Engineering
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
The University of Birmingham
Birmingham B15 2TT United Kingdom
Duc Truong Pham’s research covers the fields of mechanical, manufacturing, computer and systems engineering.
His academic output includes more than 600 technical papers and 17 books. He has supervised over 100 PhD theses to completion. He has won in excess of £30M in external research grants and contracts.
In addition to pursuing and leading research, he has acted as a consultant to several major companies and has been active with knowledge transfer to industry, applying the results of his work to help multinational companies and SMEs generate wealth and create and safeguard jobs.
He has lectured extensively abroad on his research and has delivered more than fifty keynote presentations at international conferences. He was Professeur Invité at École Centrale de Paris, Consulting Professor at HUST (China), Erskine Visiting Fellow at the University of Canterbury (New Zealand), Visiting Professor at the Université Paul Verlaine (France), Visiting Professor at King Saud University (Saudi Arabia), Strategic Scientist at Wuhan University of Technology and Honorary Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University (China).
He has received several prizes including the Sir Joseph Whitworth prize from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1996 and 2000 and the Institution’s Thomas Stephens Group Prize in 2001 and 2003 and Donald Julius Groen Prize in 2004, and the 5th ICMR Best Paper Prize in 2007. He is also a recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award (2016, World Automation Congress) and a Distinguished International Academic Contribution Award (IEEE SMC Society TC on Enterprise Info Sys and IFIP TC8 WG8.9, 2017)
He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Learned Society of Wales, Society of Manufacturing Engineers, Institution of Engineering and Technology, and Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
He was made an OBE in the 2003 New Year’s Honours List for his services to Engineering.
Keynote IV: Tuesday, 12:20 – 1:00 pm
Dr. Sérgio Shimura
Electronics and Automation Professor
Instituto Federal Sao Paulo
S. Shimura is an Electronic Engineer from University of Sao Paulo. He holds Doctoral and Msc. Degrees in Electronics Systems and Power Systems respectively from the same institution. He is also Reliasoft’s Certified Reliability Professional. He is currently professor at Federal Institute of Sao Paulo (IFSP) teaching electronics and automation and Research and Innovation Coordinator at Sorocaba Campus. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, IoT and Embedded Systems.
Wednesday, July 20
10:00 – 10:20 am Conference Chair Remarks
Keynote V: Wednesday, 10:20 – 11:00 am
Claudio Vierci
Vierci Development
Keynote VI: Wednesday, 11:00 – 11:40 am
Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying
University of Johannesburg
South Africa
Clinton AIGBAVBOA is a Professor at the Department of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. Prof. Aigbavboa is the immediate past Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He has extensive knowledge in practice, research, training and
teaching. He is currently the Director of the Construction Industry Development Board Centre of Excellence and the Sustainable Human Settlement and Construction Research Centre at the University of Johannesburg. Prof Aigbavboa has authored and co-authored more than 600 accredited journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. He is also an author of twelve research books that were published with Springer Nature and CRC Press. Prof Aigbavboa is currently a visiting professor in the School of Civil Engineering of the Shandong University, China, visiting professor, in the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka and an International Visiting scholar in the Department of Architecture of the Covenant University, Nigeria. He is also the editor of the Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation (accredited by the DoHET) and has received national and international recognition in his field of research. He is rated by the South Africa National Research Foundation.
Keynote VII: Wednesday, 11:40 am – 12:20 pm
Jill Hosmer- Jolley PhD, MBA
Neurodiversity Accessibility Consultant
MBA Faculty, California State University, Monterey Bay
Management coaching. DEI. CSR. HR. OB.
Monterey, California, USA
JILL HOSMER-JOLLEY, MBA, Ph.D., works with organizations to improve outcomes by embracing the strengths of neurodiverse employees, such as creativity and innovation, through improved management practices customized for situational opportunities and structure. Human resources, diversity, inclusion, and neurodiversity are key areas of her research and consulting practice. Previous experience includes 20 years in financial services at Merrill Lynch and Charles Schwab, as a broker in Sunnyvale as well as a regional director for the New England area, managing sales, training, customer service, operations, and people, as well as culture change and career development. Dr. Hosmer-Jolley has 15 excellent years of university teaching and research (Cal State, Rice University, University of California and Yale). In 2008, she began to teach at the university level, focusing on management, human resources, organizational behavior, ethics, and communication. She also works as a technology mentor assisting faculty with online teaching, course development, and integrating technology for student success.
Hosmer-Jolley earned a master’s in Business Administration from Simmons College in Boston and a doctorate in Business Administration–Management from Northcentral University in San Diego.
Keynote VIII: Wednesday, July 20, 12:20 – 1:00 pm
Alfred Fast
CEO, Fecoprod Ltda.
President, El Instituto de Biotecnología Agrícola (INBIO)
Asuncion Paraguay
Thursday, July 21
10:00 – 10:20 am Conference Chair Remarks
Keynote IX: Thursday, 10:20 – 11:00 am
Marco Carvalho
Matza Education
São Paulo (SP), Brazil
Keynote X: Thursday, 11:00 – 11:40 am
Prof. Samuel Wiens Bartel
Universitario para Liderazgo y Desarrollo Personal
Keynote XI: Thursday, 11:40 am – 12:20 pm
Dr. Mario Chauca
Ricardo Palma University
Santiago de Surco
Dr. Mario Chauca is a professor at Ricardo Palma University, Santiago de Surco, Peru. He teaches at the postgraduate and undergraduate level, with 30 years of experience. He graduated as an Electronic Engineer from Ricardo Palma University in Lima Peru, obtained his Master’s Degree in Business Administration with a mention in “Business Management” and his Doctorate in Education from San Luis Gonzaga National University.
Dr. Chauca is an Executive Committee Member of IFEES and was a Director of the AOTS-Kenshu Kiokay-Peru (2010-2014), member of the technical committees since 2010, invited by the University of Washington IEEE, in 2010 joined the Steering Committee of the IEEE-MWSCAS, and has participated in more than 30 committees in the European Union, Asia, Africa, America and Australia.
Dr. Chauca was participant as speaker and Chair Session at WEE2019-Chennai (India), IEM2019-Toronto (Canada), WEEF2018-Albuquerque (USA), ICIMA2018-Penang (Malaysia), WEEF2017-Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), CONeGOV2016-Florianopolis (Brazil), ISIT2014,17-Guanajuato (Mexico), MWSCAS2010-Washington (USA), JAIIO2009-Mar del Plata (Argentina), CONIELECOMP2007,9,10-Puebla (Mexico), SIE2004-Santa Clara (Cuba). He obtained a scholarship from the AOTS Tokyo (Japan), from the NIPA and Ministry of Science, ICT and Planning of the Future of Korea Seoul (Korea). He is a Consultant in Information and Communication Technologies, he was consultant in the project of United Nations-Inter-American Development Bank-Congress of the Republic of Peru and the Ministry of the Interior of Peru. He is a researcher by RENACYT-CONCYTEC in the Peruvian Government, adviser first award paper CONEIMERA2018, adviser of the First General Award Project for more than 5000 projects in the contest from the Romero Group, adviser for first projects in congress INTERCON, CONEIMERA, and was nominated for the Graña y Montero Prize for Research in Peruvian Engineering. Nominated Peruvian Research Southern Prize 2019 and nominated research award 2018 MEXICO. As author and advisor of papers he has more than 50 letters of acceptance, served organizer of international academic events, editor of proceedings, and advisor to the IEEE chapters at the National University of Callao and the Ricardo Palma University.
Keynote XII: Thursday, July 21, 12:20 – 1:00 pm
Prof. Dr. Marcelo Castier
Dean of the Faculty of Engineering Sciences
UPA – Universidad Paraguayo Alemana / German Paraguayan University
San Lorenzo, Paraguay
Keynote XII: Thursday, July 21, 1:00 – 1:30 pm
Michel Baudin
Owner, Takt Times Group
Co-founder, Grokcity, Inc.
Palo Alto, California
United States
Michel Baudin is an engineer, author, and consultant who graduated from Mines-ParisTech in 1977. His career has taken him from France to Japan, Germany, and finally to the US, where he lives in Palo Alto, California. Michel has taught courses in-house for clients, UC Berkeley, the University of Dayton, the Hong Kong Productivity Council, the University of Buckingham, and training companies in multiple countries.
He has authored four books – Manufacturing Systems Analysis (1990), Lean Assembly (2002), Lean Logistics (2005), and Working with Machines (2007) – and written in refereed journals, professional magazines, and conference proceedings.
Past Keynotes
- IEOM 2010 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2011 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2012 – Istanbul
- IEOM 2014 – Bali
- IEOM 2015 – Dubai
- IEOM 2015 – Orlando
- IEOM 2016 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2016 – Detroit
- IEOM 2017 – Rabat, Morocco
- IEOM 2017 – Bristol, UK
- IEOM 2017 – Bogota, Colombia
- IEOM 2018 – Bandung
- IEOM 2018 – Paris
- IEOM 2018 – Washington DC
- IEOM 2018 – Pretoria
- IEOM 2019 – Bangkok
- IEOM 2019 – Pilsen
- IEOM 2019 – Toronto
- IEOM 2019 – Riyadh
- IEOM 2020 – Dubai