Keynote Speakers
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
Welcome Address Keynote: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 10:00 – 10:20 am
Dr Felix Kin Peng Hui
Conference Chair &
Associate Professor of Engineering Management and an Academic Specialist
Department of Infrastructure Engineering
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Dr Felix Kin Peng Hui is an Associate Professor of Engineering Management and an Academic Specialist in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Melbourne. He is also the Program Director/Academic Coordinator for the Master of Engineering Management program and the Engineering Business specialisation for postgraduate masters degrees.
Dr Hui is an experienced engineer with over 25 years of industry experience in managing continuous improvement projects, factories, and business units. He has held senior management positions in a range of manufacturing industries which includes machine tools, precision engineering and semiconductors. He has also consulted to organisations seeking continuous improvements to optimise their operational efficiency. His research interests are in the areas of operational process optimisation, operational efficiency, lean systems, organisational development and team dynamics in engineering projects. He is currently a lead investigator on several government funded projects which includes mega-infrastructure projects research, prefabricated modular construction research, next generation buildings with Building 4.0 CRC and on CRC-P projects involving end-of-life treatment processes. Dr Hui is a registered Professional Engineer (Singapore), an ASEAN Chartered Professional Engineer and a Fellow of Institute of Managers and Leaders.
Keynote I (Opening Keynote): Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 10:20 – 11:00 am
David Aaron Karr, CPEng, FIIEA
Industrial Engineers Australia (IEA), Australia
Topic: The Challenges and Opportunities for Industrial Engineering in Australia
David Graduated as an Industrial Engineer BSc (Eng Mech in the Industrial Option) in 1976 at University of Witwatersrand (Wits), Johannesburg, South Africa in 1976. He received a Graduate Diploma in Engineering at Wits 1979. David has worked in various Production and Industrial Engineering roles in manufacturing, service industries and consultancy for over 45 years in South Africa, Canada and Australia. He also has training experience as a lecturer(casual) at TAFE(technical college) for 13 years.
He has worked for Siemens(Routing Eng) and Colgate Palmolive(IE) (South Africa), Pirelli Cables(IE) and Canada Post(IE) (Canada), BOC Gases (Australia)(Production & Project Manager) across production quality, project management, supply chain management, design and improvements of production line and layouts of work area and data optimisation.
Industry experience included batch and process type manufacturing as well as large and small sites mainly with large multinational or national companies.
He has its own Business Consultancy undertaking passenger surveys, time and motion studies , setting up preventative maintenance systems for various clients and introduction of digitised autonomous processes. David has been very active in professional organisations in Canada (Canadian Society of Industrial Engineers (CSIE) and in Australia (Industrial Engineers Australia (IEA) and Engineers Australia (EA). He is a fellow and Federal President of Industrial Engineers Australia and Chartered Professional Engineer of Engineers Australia.
Keynote II: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 11:00 – 11:40 am
Prof Daniel Samson
Chair in Management
Department of Management and Marketing,
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Danny Samson originally qualified and worked as a Chemical Engineer, in a multinational company, before completing his PhD at AGSM, UNSW. He was a lecturer at AGSM, then Assistant professor at the University of illinois, before returning to Australia in 1985 to join Melbourne Business School.
He was appointed as professor of Operations Management, then Leslie Froggatt Chair of Manufacturing Management there from 1988. In 1999, he was appointed Chair of Management in the newly formed Department of Management in The University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Business and Economics. He has served as Associate Dean and Head of that Department. Outside the University he has served as Director of the Transport Accident Commission (TAC), member of the Karpin Federal Task Force inquiry into Australia’s Leadership and Management, and given advice to many government and business organisations. This included the National Australia Bank (Group CEO and Top team) for a decade on business strategy, Fletcher Challenge on Operations Strategy, and he has more recently been engaged by Toyota in Australia, as examples. His innovations inside the University of Melbourne included design and Directorship of the Master of Supply Chain Management and Master of Enterprise (post experience) degrees, and many short-courses for business organisations. Danny has published over 150 papers and journal articles, and a dozen books. The books cover his range of expertise, with titles including Managerial Decision Analysis, Manufacturing and Operations Strategy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Implementing Strategic Change, and Strategic Leadership. He has supervised many PhD students, and teaches a wide range of subject from undergraduate Principles of Management, through to the doctoral level Advanced Operations Management.
Keynote III: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 11:40 am – 12:20 pm
Professor Peter Galvin, PhD
Associate Dean, Research
School of Business and Law
Edith Cowan University
WA, Australia
Peter Galvin was attracted to ECU as an institution that really cares for students whilst simultaneously valuing research. As Associate Dean, Research for SBL, Peter is keen to develop and implement strategies that will support the further development of the School’s rapidly growing research prowess. Prior to taking on the ADR role, Peter was the MBA Director and oversaw a series of significant changes to the MBA degree and its delivery model.
Before joining ECU, Peter was employed at Curtin University and has also held roles at Northumbria University (UK), California Polytechnic State University and Queensland University of Technology (QUT). He has also held Visiting positions at State University of New York at Stony Brook, Giessen University (Germany), ESC Toulouse (France), Ilmenau Technical University (Germany) and ESC La Rochelle (France).
Peter has won Faculty, University and National level teaching awards, and has been an assessor for the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC). He has published a number of textbooks with the latest being the 6th edition of Strategic Management by Hubbard, Rice and Galvin through Pearson.
Peter is an active researcher with publications in a wide variety of journals ranging from Journal of Business Ethics through to Managerial and Decision Economics. His most recent work considers issues pertaining to the boundary of the firm, dynamic capabilities and modular architectures. Between 2011 and 2014, Peter was the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Management & Organization. Peter has graduated over 20 doctoral students as lead supervisor.
Peter received his PhD and a B.Com (Hons) from the University of Western Australia. Prior to entering academia, Peter worked in management consulting both locally and on the east coast of Australia.
Keynote IV: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 12:20 pm – 1:00 pm
Prof. (Em.) Raphael Grzebieta AM
Emeritus Professor (Road Safety)
Transport and Road Safety (TARS) Research
School of Aviation
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia
Adjunct Professor (Forensic Engineering)
Department of Forensic Medicine at Monash University
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine
Melbourne, Australia
Topic: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
Dr. Raphael Grzebieta AM is Professor Emeritus in road safety at the Transport and Road Safety (TARS) Research Centre within the School of Aviation at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Monash University’s Department of Forensic Medicine located at the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine, in forensic engineering, vehicle and road infrastructure crashworthiness, crash reconstruction, injury biomechanics and road safety. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of the journal ‘Safety’ with MDPI.
He has around 30 years of research and professional experience as well as around 350 research publications, supervised numerous PhD graduates and received several national and international major research grants and life time achievement awards mainly in road safety. More recently, he was made a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for his significant service to the transport industry through road safety research and promotion. Research teams he has led or been involved with have carried out numerous laboratory and field tests on road vehicles, road safety barriers, vulnerable road users (pedestrians, cyclist and motorcyclists) and more recently off-road quad bikes and Side by Side (SSV) vehicles. He regularly provides expert witness reports and court evidence, having carried out over 200 in-depth crash investigations and accident reconstruction analyses for Coroners, Police, Public Prosecutors, Work Regulators, CTP Insurers and legal firms.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
November 15, 2023, 10:00 – 10:20 am – Student Chapter Presentations
Keynote V: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 10:20 – 11:00 am
Paul Childerhouse, PhD
Professor and Head of Department
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Topic: Supply chain value creation and capture dichotomy
Paul heads up the supply chain and logistics department at RMIT University. His current research focusses on supply chain network resilience and sustainability. Dr Childerhouse is best known for his research into demand chain management, supply chain uncertainty and integration. His empirical data collection and auditing approach has provided him with first-hand experience across a range of sectors, including construction, pharmaceutical, retail, automotive, pulp and paper, health, 3PL and food processing. Supply chain sustainability has become a major area of focus with several studies into the transformation of food supply chains in Southeast Asian and New Zealand. Paul has published over 60 peer reviewed articles in a multitude of journals including: Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Construction and Engineering Management, International Journal of Logistics Management, Production Planning and Control, International Journal of Production Economics and OMEGA ( )
Keynote VI: Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 11:00 – 11:40 am
Professor Charles Mbohwa, Ph.D. – IEOM Vice President, 2023-2025
Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg, South Africa
Past Pro-Vice Chancellor Strategic Partnerships and Industrialisation, University of Zimbabwe, Harare, Zimbabwe
Professor Charles Mbohwa is a Visiting Professor at University of Johannesburg, South Africa. He was a Pro-Vice Chancellor Strategic Partnerships and Industrialisation at University of Zimbabwe and an affiliated Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment. He is an established researcher and professor in the field of sustainability engineering and energy. He was the Chairman and Head of Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Zimbabwe from 1994 to 1997 and was Vice-Dean of Postgraduate Studies Research and Innovation in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Johannesburg from 2014 to 2017. He has published more than 350 papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences, 10 book chapters and three books. He has a Scopus h-index of 11 and Google Scholar h-index of 14. Upon graduating with his BSc Honours in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Zimbabwe in 1986, he was employed as a mechanical engineer by the National Railways of Zimbabwe. He holds a Masters in Operations Management and Manufacturing Systems from University of Nottingham and completed his doctoral studies at Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology in Japan. He was a Fulbright Scholar visiting the Supply Chain and Logistics Institute at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, a Japan Foundation Fellow, is a Fellow of the Zimbabwean Institution of Engineers and is a registered mechanical engineer with the Engineering Council of Zimbabwe. He has been a collaborator in projects of the United Nations Environment Programme. He has also visited many countries on research and training engagements including the United Kingdom, Japan, German, France, the USA, Brazil, Sweden, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mauritius, Austria, the Netherlands, Uganda, Namibia and Australia. He has had several awards including British Council Scholarship, Japanese Foundation Fellowship, Kubota Foundation Fellowship; Fulbright Fellowship.
Keynote VII, Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 11:40 am – 12:20 pm
Prof. Sardar M. N. Islam (Naz), Ph. D., LL. B. (Law)
Professor, ISILC, Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia
Distinguished Visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence, UnSri
Adjunct Professor of IT and Business, Armstrong Institute, Melbourne
Topic: Quantum Theory, Quantum Computing and the Future of Industrial Engineering.
Professor Sardar M.N. Islam has lived, studied, worked and travelled (extensively) in different countries over a long period of time. He adopts a global and humanistic approach in his research and academic works. In his research, he has undertaken rigorous scientific studies of universal and emerging issues in several disciplines. Currently, he is a Professor at Victoria University’s Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities. He was a Professor of Business, Economics and Finance from 2007 to 2017, and has had many years of academic work experience in teaching, supervision, and multi-disciplinary research. He has published extensively across a broad range of disciplines. His research has attracted international acclaim, leading to a number of appointments as distinguished visiting professor, visiting professor or adjunct professor in artificial intelligence, accounting, industrial engineering, finance, economics and management in several different countries. Professor Islam has also received many invitations to address international conferences as a keynote speaker.
He has published articles in leading international journals including: Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, Journal of Optimisation Theory and Applications, Journal of Management and Industrial Optimisation, Annals of Operations Research, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Economic Modelling and Journal of Modelling in Management. He has published a large number of research books in artificial intelligence and digitalisation, game theory, operations research, supply chian management, accounting, finance, business, economics and law. Each of these books makes significant scientific contributions to the literature. These books are published by prestigious publishers and the majority of his books are published in highly regarded book series. His interest and expertise are: artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics, game theory, agency theory and mechanism design finance, advanced econometrics, economics/health economics, accounting and corporate governance, management science/applied quantitative methods, supply chain management/applied industrial engineering/operations management, engineering analytics and management, business and marketing analytics and law.
Keynote VIII, Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 12:20 – 1:00 pm
Dr Md Abdus Samad Kamal
Graduate School of Science and Technology
Gunma University
Kiryu, Japan
Topic: Cyber-physical Approach for Optimal Traffic Control in the Next Generation Road Transportation Systems
Dr. Md Abdus Samad Kamal is an Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Science and Technology, Gunma University, Japan. He received Ph.D. degree from Kyushu University, Japan, in 2006. Earlier, he was a Researcher at The University of Tokyo, Japan, a Visiting Researcher with Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc., Japan, and a Senior Lecturer at the School of Engineering, Monash University, Malaysia campus. His research interests include intelligent transportation systems, cooperative control of connected and automated vehicles, and the applications of model predictive control. Over a decade, he has been jointly working in various research projects in collaboration with Japanese car manufactures and/or under the Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS). Dr. Kamal is a member of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and a Chartered Engineer of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET).
Thursday, November 16, 2023
November 16, 2023, 10:00 – 10:20 am – Student Chapter Presentations
Keynote IX, Thursday, November 16, 2023, 10:20 am – 11:00 am
Dr Peter Robertson
Honorary Research Fellow
University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia
39 years of leadership history in various industries in Australia
Topic: Reengineering Operations Management Given Our Current Era Levels of Turbulence-In what ways can operations management be realigned, reshaped, and repurposed to meet the multitude of challenges it currently faces?
Peter Robertson is an Honorary Research Fellow and Fellow of the University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia. Dr Robertson has 39 years of industrial experience working for the Broken Hill Proprietary Company Limited (BHP) and BlueScope Steel. Roles he fulfilled during this time included Unit Metallurgist, Rolling Mill Superintendent, Group Manager Planning, and Manager Planning and Business systems. His last role was as Vice President Operations Planning within BlueScope Steel.
He has three years of lecturing experience at UOW where he lectured on Supply Chain Management (SCM), Logistics, Procurement and Quantitative Analysis.
Dr Robertson also spent five years consulting including assignments related to strategy and structure, business process improvement, value-stream mapping, project readiness and assurance, and information systems design. In his consulting role he has worked with companies such as Woodside Petroleum, Port Kembla Coal Terminal, Port Kembla Port Corporation, Vale (Brazil), Anglo American, Chalco, BHP Iron Ore, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) and Hatch Associates.
Dr Robertson obtained both his master’s degree (Logistics and Operations Management) and PhD (SCM and Logistics) from UOW. Whilst still engaged in research, Dr Robertson has been focussed, in recent years, on the writing of three supply chain and logistics related textbooks i.e., Supply Chain Analytics (2021), Supply Chain Processes (2021), and Supply Chain Leadership (2022).
Keynote X, Thursday, November 16, 2023, 11:00 am – 11:40 am
Prof Lihai Zhang, PhD, M.Eng, CPEng, NPER, FIEAus
Professor of Infrastructure Protection & Management
Discipline Leader of the Engineering Management group
University of Melbourne
Melbourne, Australia
Lihai is a Professor of Infrastructure Protection & Management and the Discipline Leader of the Engineering Management group at The University of Melbourne. He is best known for his expertise in engineering reliability analysis and asset management. Using porous media mechanics & engineering reliability analysis, his research focuses on: Reliability-based life-cycle assessment of built infrastructure, Building cladding subject to hailstorm impact, and Structural health monitoring using advanced non-destructive testing techniques.
Lihai’s expertise in interdisciplinary research gives a leading advantage and a unique angle to solving outstanding problems in Biomedical Engineering fields, such as Orthopaedic Biomechanics & Mechano-Biology.
Dr Indra Gunawan
Associate Professor
Adelaide Business School
Faculty of Arts, Business Law and Economics
University of Adelaide
Indra Gunawan is Associate Professor in Complex Project Management and Program Coordinator of Postgraduate Project Management in the Adelaide Business School, Faculty of Arts, Business, Law and Economics, the University of Adelaide.
He received his PhD in Industrial Engineering and MSc in Construction Management from Northeastern University, USA. Prior to joining the University of Adelaide, he was the postgraduate program coordinator for Maintenance and Reliability Engineering at Monash University. Previously he has also taught in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand and worked as the Head of Systems Engineering and Management program at Malaysia University of Science and Technology (in collaboration with the MIT, USA).
His current research interests include system reliability modelling, maintenance optimisation, project management, applications of operations research, and operations management. He is actively involved in the Asset Management Council, a technical society of Engineers Australia.
Indra’s work has appeared in many peer-reviewed journals such as International Journal of Project Management; Journal of Construction Engineering and Management; IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; International Journal of Production Research; Reliability Engineering and System Safety; IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering; Quality and Reliability Engineering International; International Journal of Project Organisation and Management; and International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management.
He also serves as an Editorial Board member for International Journal of Project Organisation and Management; International Journal of Information Technology Project Management; and International Journal of Performability Engineering.
Keynote XII, Thursday, November 16, 2023, 12:20 pm – 1:00 pm
Professor Rahmat Nurcahyo, PhD
Industrial Engineering Department
Universitas Indonesia (UI)
Jakarta, Indonesia
Rahmat Nurcahyo is a Professor in Industrial Management, Industrial Engineering Department, Universitas Indonesia. He previously served as Head of Quality Assurance and Management System Unit in Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia. His responsibility was in implementation of OBE Education System, ISO 9001, 14001 and 45001. Currently he is an IABEE Evaluator and LAM Teknik assessor for engineering education accreditation in Indonesia. He earned Masters degree in Industrial Management, University of New South Wales, Australia and received Doctor degree in Strategic Management, Universitas Indonesia. His current research interests include Sustainability, Environmental Management Systems, Quality Management Systems and Maintenance Management.
Keynote XIII, Thursday, November 16, 2023, 3:20 pm – 4:00 pm
John Blakemore, PhD
CEO, Blakemore Consulting International
Adjunct Professor
University of Newcastle
Topic: End of Engineering as we Know it
John Blakemore successfully completed a PhD, MSc and BSc. He is a Certified Management Consultant (CMC), Certified Professional Engineer CPEng and CPEng (UK) and Director of the Leading Edge Initiatives.
John received Hon DUniv(Newc) 2015 conferred at the University of Newcastle on the 9th April 2015.
In addition he is a fellow of numerous professional societies. John’s depth of experience is readily demonstrable. He has previously occupied positions as Marketing Director, Research Manager, Engineering Manager, General Manager, Research Scientist, University Lecturer and was an International Nickel Research Fellow. John is listed in Who’s Who in the World for his contribution to International Management Consulting (from 1994). John’s PhD was studied (2.6 yrs) under an International Research Fellowship. This Doctorate was examined by the University of Leeds (UK) and the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) under the supervision of Prof E.O.Hall PhD. Seven international publications resulted from this work.
In 2007 John was voted one of the top 10 Engineers in Australia for Engineering Innovation and expertise by The Professional Institution of Engineers and In 2014 was awarded “Distinguished Service Award in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management”
John sat on the Engineering and Manufacturing Committee of the Federal Government’s Industrial Research and Development Board from 2000 to 2006. From 1996 to 2000 he also sat on the Board of the Australian Institute of Management and he was an Associate of the Australian Graduate School of Engineering Innovation (AGSEI) from 1996 to 2002.
Past Keynotes
- IEOM 2010 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2011 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2012 – Istanbul
- IEOM 2014 – Bali
- IEOM 2015 – Dubai
- IEOM 2015 – Orlando
- IEOM 2016 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2016 – Detroit
- IEOM 2017 – Rabat, Morocco
- IEOM 2017 – Bristol, UK
- IEOM 2017 – Bogota, Colombia
- IEOM 2017 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2018 – Bandung
- IEOM 2018 – Paris
- IEOM 2018 – Washington DC
- IEOM 2018 – Pretoria
- IEOM 2019 – Bangkok
- IEOM 2019 – Pilsen
- IEOM 2019 – Toronto
- IEOM 2019 – Riyadh
- IEOM 2019 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2020 – Dubai
- IEOM 2020 – Detroit
- IEOM 2020 – Harare
- IEOM 2020 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2021 – Singapore
- 2021 Sao Paulo, Brazil
- 2021 Haiti
- 2021 Harbin, China
- 2021 Rome, Italy
- 2021 Bangalore, India
- 2021 Indonesia
- 2021 Monterrey, Mexico
- 2022 Istanbul
- 2022 Nigeria
- 2022 Orlando
- 2022 Paraguay
- 2022 Rome
- 2022 Warangal, India
- 2022 Johor Baru, Malaysia
- 2022 Sydney, Australia
- 2022 Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 2023 Manila – Annual
- 2023 Zambia – African
- 2023 Lima, Peru – SA
- 2023 Houston, USA – NA
- 2023 Lisbon, Portugal – EU
- 2023 India – New Delhi
- 2023 Vietnam – AP
- 2023 Bangladesh