COVID-19 Analytics Competition
The case study must illustrate IEOM tools (Lean Six Sigma, Supply Chain, Logistics, Statistics, Optimization, Simulation, etc.) to address current Covid-19 pandemic. The goal is to develop statistical analysis / optimization of conditions globally and determine if difference exists between countries. In additional model curve and determine time frame to “Flatten Curve” for particular country or region. The case study will allow the participant students to gain awareness, knowledge and critically demonstrate the application of IE & OM tools to resolve complex processes. In particular, participant students will:
- Develop an understanding of utilizing a structured methodology to problem solve complex integrated processes
- Gain insight into driving critical decision points in problem-solving based on data instead of opinion(s) or emotion(s)
- Compare and contrast different solutions and make a suggestion on improvement action(s) with the maximum payoff.
You/your team are/is requested to focus on a specific country or region of your choice that has been significantly impacted by Covid-19 pandemic. Lean Six Sigma, Supply Chain, Logistics, Statistics, Optimization, Simulation and similar tools could be used for solving the global pandemic issues
You/your team have/has been tasked to resolve a complex global concern. Depending on the selected approach to address the concern different tools will be employed to narrow Key Process Input Variables (KPIVs) that are driving unacceptable output(s). The report must also incorporate the following minimum requirements:
The analysis of the concern must include IE & OM tools necessary to resolve the concern. The focus should concentrate on a clear and minimalistic path to resolving the concern.
You/your team are/is free to follow any research, data collection and or analysis methodology that you/your team consider the most appropriate to address the required task.
Submission Requirements
- A report should follow IEOM Brail Conference format. It is limited to 12 pages.
- The deadline for the submission of the paper is on January 30, 2021.
- Submissions could be as individuals or a team of 3-4 members maximum.
- All participants should be current undergraduate, postgraduate or recent graduate students.
- The case study must be solved completely by the team members.
- Submission must be within the deadlines and no late submissions will be accepted.
- Teams must join in a live virtual competition.
Online Submission Link –
Assessment Criteria
- Good and effective report’s presentation
- Clearly and effectively structured and communicated report
- Demonstration of a clear understanding of supply chain and logistics challenges within the context of humanitarian missions
- Clear demonstration of the application of lean six sigma, supply chain and logistics, statistics, simulation, optimization including theory, concepts, methods and/or tools to solve complex issues in the global pandemic
- Clear demonstration of the use of effective analytical and technical skills to solve the global pandemic challenges
- Clear demonstration of knowledge and skills to formulate and develop an implementation plan
Competition Chairs/Coordinators
- Dr. Saso Krstovski, Adjunct Professor, Lawrence Technology University (
- Dr. Hayder Zghair (
- Prepare case study in MS Word.
- Do not add page number.
- Follow the exact format
- Registration is required