Master Thesis Competition
Submission Deadline: May 30, 2023
Submission Link:
The IEOM Master Thesis Presentation Award recognizes outstanding research in industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, systems engineering, operations research, engineering management, operations management and related areas. Students must enroll in the masters’ program during the current academic year. These awards are presented at the 2023 Houston Conference.
Eligibility Criteria
- The submitter must enroll in a masters’ program or be a recent graduate
- A synopsis of the thesis should be submitted
- Masters’ research must be presented at the 2023 Houston Conference.
IEOM Competition Rubrics
- Overall content: 1-5 points
- Data analysis and results: 1-5 points
- Presentation skills: 1-5 points
- Knowledge of the topic / confident: 1-5 points
- Answering questions: 1-5 points
Important Dates
Deadline for submission of abstract / paper /synopsis: May 30, 2023
Submit a synopsis of your thesis online and present at the conference event:
A group of academics / professionals will serve as judges and evaluate the papers and presentations. Scoring rubrics will be used for both parts of the judging.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive award certificates and a monetary prize based the sponsorship.
If you have any question for the IEOM Student Competition, please contact:
WINNERS – Master Thesis Competition Award
1st Place
2nd Place
3rd Place
Papers will be indexed in EBSCO, Google Scholar and IEOM Index.
IEOM Index includes the following:
- This unique database is dedicated to research and achievements in the “Industrial Engineering and Operations Management” disciplines
- Each paper will have its unique DOI (Digital Object Identified) from CrossRef.
- Check all previous conference papers in the IEOM Index Publication Database Library –
- IEOM Conference DOI –
- Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISBN in a soft form – OPEN ACCESS.
- All accepted papers will be published with an ISBN Number.
- All full papers submitted for conference proceedings will be evaluated using a double-blind review process and published electronically in proceedings with a DOI number.
- All approved full papers will be sent for indexation to world known databases:
- CrossRef
- Google Scholar
- IEOM Index Online Library
Four proceedings have DOIs for all papers. Others will be added shortly.
- Sydney 2022 (First Australian) –
- Rome 2022 (5th European) –
- Malaysia 2022 (3rd Asia Pacific) –
- Paraguay 2022 (3rd South American)