Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
Sponsored by: SIEMENS
Submission Deadline: May 30, 2023
Submission Link: https://www.xcdsystem.com/IEOM/abstract/index.cfm?ID=fKu6HiB
The IEOM Undergraduate Student Paper Competition sponsored by SIEMENS will recognize outstanding papers in the field of industrial engineering and operations management written by student(s). Selected papers will be considered for the competition. The paper will be judged based on the technical content. Winners will receive award certificates.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The submitter must me student or recent graduate
- Papers can be industry projects as part of a course or co-op/internship, or research projects done at the academic institution.
- Faculty and/or an industry member may serve as an advisor on a project, but the work should primarily be done by the student(s).
- The paper must be written by the student(s) with only minor outside editorial assistance. One or more advisors may appear as co-authors of a paper, but the student must be the ‘first author’.
- The paper must be presented at the 2023 Houston Conference.
IEOM Competition Rubrics
- Overall content: 1-5 points
- Data analysis and results: 1-5 points
- Presentation skills: 1-5 points
- Knowledge of the topic / confident: 1-5 points
- Answering questions: 1-5 points
Important Dates:
Deadline for submission of papers: March 1, 2023.
Paper Guidelines:
Authors must follow the IEOM 2023 paper guidelines (under Authors menu) since the winning papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
Each paper must be submitted online: https://www.xcdsystem.com/IEOM/abstract/index.cfm?ID=fKu6HiB
A group of academics / professionals will serve as judge. Scoring rubrics will be used for both parts of the judging.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive award certificates.
Papers will be indexed in EBSCO, Google Scholar and IEOM Index.
IEOM Index includes the following:
- This unique database is dedicated to research and achievements in the “Industrial Engineering and Operations Management” disciplines
- Each paper will have its unique DOI (Digital Object Identified) from CrossRef.
- Check all previous conference papers in the IEOM Index Publication Database Library – https://index.ieomsociety.org/.
- IEOM Conference DOI – https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/list/
- Conference Proceedings will be published with an ISBN in a soft form – OPEN ACCESS.
- All accepted papers will be published with an ISBN Number.
- All full papers submitted for conference proceedings will be evaluated using a double-blind review process and published electronically in proceedings with a DOI number.
- All approved full papers will be sent for indexation to world known databases:
- CrossRef
- Google Scholar
- IEOM Index Online Library
Four proceedings have DOIs for all papers. Others will be added shortly.
- Sydney 2022 (First Australian) – https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/view/ID/39
- Rome 2022 (5th European) – https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/view/ID/36
- Malaysia 2022 (3rd Asia Pacific) – https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/view/ID/31
- Paraguay 2022 (3rd South American) https://index.ieomsociety.org/index.cfm/conference/view/ID/24