IEOM High School and Middle School STEM Competition 2022
The IEOM High School and Middle School STEM Competition recognizes the outstanding students for their accomplishment in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) for their innovative and creative projects. High school students can submit individual and/or team research projects in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics or similar areas. Each submission can provide a summary of the STEM project. All projects must be presented at the 2022 Jahor Baru, Malaysia Conference. The projects will be judged based on the technical content and presentation. Winners will receive award certificates. The winning awards will be given at the 2022 Jahor Baru, Malaysia Conference.
Eligibility Criteria
- The submitter must be middle school students, high school student or recent graduate.
- The projects should be related on STEM or similar fields.
- Individual or team projects can be submitted.
- One or more teachers may appear as co-authors of a submission, but the student must be the ‘first author’.
- The project must be presented at the 2022 Jahor Baru, Malaysia Conference.
Important Dates
Deadline for submission: May 1, 2022.
Submission Guidelines
One page summary of the STEM project needs to project with IEOM abstract format. Paper can be submitted as well. Full papers are encouraged.
Each STEM project can be submitted online:
A group of academics / professionals will serve as judges. Scoring rubrics will be used for both parts of the judging.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive award certificates.
Competition Chairs
If you have any question for the IEOM Competitions, please contact:
Winners – High School and Middle School STEM Competition Award
1st Place
ID 125 Monitoring Run-off Toxicity Using Daphnia Magna
Saloni Patel, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA 94063
ID 476 “STEAMS” Approach of Preparing Freshest STEAMed Dumplings
Mason Chen 1, Yvanny Chang 2, Patrick Giuliano 3, and Charles Chen 3
1 Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA
2 Prospect High School
3 Morrill Learning Center, San Jose, USA
2nd Place
ID 123 A Study on the Effects of Sleep on Children’s Reaction Time
Alina Zhong, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA, USA
3rd Place
ID 114 Demographic Factors that Impact Anxiety Levels
Amelia Zai, Stanford Online High School , Westwood, MA, United States
4th Place
ID 563 Use of Ultrasonic Sensor to Guide the Visually-Impaired
Mahbuba Sumiya, Detroit, Michigan, United States
5th Place
ID 126 Analysis of Stock Market Reactions to COVID-19 Pandemic
Lily Sun, Stanford Online High School, San Ramon, CA, United States
Honorable Mentioned
- ID 084 Arita Zaman
- ID 109 Sophia Risin
- ID 126 Lily Sun
- ID 142 Siddhant Karmali
- ID 539 Nuzhat Ahsan
- ID 562 Mahbuba Sumiya
- ID 565 Takiyah Ali
- ID 669 Safir Rahman
- ID 691 Yancheng Fang
1st Place
ID 116 ARTEMIS Robot: Building Artificially Intelligent Robots with Child-like Curiosity
Artash Nath, 8th Grade Student, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
1st Place
ID 686 Renewable Energy – Wind Energy – Offshore vs. Onshore
Anas Ali, Crescent Academy International, Canton, MI, United States
5:15 pm – 6:45 pm, WEDNESDAY, August 12, 2020 High School STEM Competition Room 3
Session Chair: Judging Committee Chair – Prof. Don Reimer, Adjunct Professor, Lawrence Tech, Michigan
ID 476 “STEAMS” Approach of Preparing Freshest STEAMed Dumplings
Mason Chen 1, Yvanny Chang 2, Patrick Giuliano 3, and Charles Chen 3
1 Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA
2 Prospect High School
3 Morrill Learning Center, San Jose, USA
ID 669 Genes that affect Multiple Myeloma
Safir Rahman, Canton, MI, United States
ID 123 A Study on the Effects of Sleep on Children’s Reaction Time
Alina Zhong, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
ID 563 Use of Ultrasonic Sensor to Guide the Visually-Impaired
Mahbuba Sumiya, Detroit, Michigan, United States
ID 109 Adolescent Fear Anxiety and Knowledge of COVID-19
Sophia Risin, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA
ID 116 ARTEMIS Robot: Building Artificially Intelligent Robots with Child-like Curiosity
Artash Nath, 8th Grade Student, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
7:00 pm – 10:00 pm, WEDNESDAY, August 12, 2020 High School STEM Competition Room 3
Session Chair: Judging Committee Chair – Prof. Don Reimer, Adjunct Professor, Lawrence Tech, Michigan
ID 125 Monitoring Run-off Toxicity Using Daphnia Magna
Saloni Patel, Stanford Online High School, Redwood City, CA 94063
ID 084 Melting Accidents Away
Arita Zaman, Huda School, Novi, MI, United States
ID 126 Analysis of Stock Market Reactions to COVID-19 Pandemic
Lily Sun, Stanford Online High School, San Ramon, CA, United States
ID 539 Solar Panel Size for a Single Family House
Nuzhat Ahsan, CAI, Canton, MI, United States
ID 142 The Differences in Spatial Memory between 2D and 3D Maze Environments
Siddhant Karmali, Stanford University Online High School, Irvine, CA, United States
ID 562 Variation in pain threshold and tolerance in high-risk school children
Mahbuba Sumiya, Detroit, Michigan, United States
ID 686 Renewable Energy – Wind Energy – Offshore vs. Onshore
Anas Ali, Crescent Academy International, Canton, MI, United States
ID 114 Demographic Factors that Impact Anxiety Levels
Amelia Zai, Stanford Online High School , Westwood, MA, United States
ID 691 COVID-19 Detection by Using Magiprobe
Yancheng Fang, Ann Arbor, MI, United States
ID 565 Testing Which Juice Loses the Least Amount of Vitamin C Over Time
Takiyah Ali, MIA, Ann Arbor, MI, United States