Keynote Speakers
September 13, 2022
Conference Welcome and Opening: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 9:30 – 10:00 am
Opening Keynote I: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 10:00 – 10:40 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Adnan Bin Hassan (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Dr. Elsayed A. Elsayed
Distinguished Professor
Industrial and Systems Engineering
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ, U.S.A.
E.A. Elsayed is Distinguished Professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Rutgers University. He is also the Director of the NSF/ Industry/ University Co-operative Research Center for Quality and Reliability Engineering. His research interests are in the areas of quality and reliability engineering and Production Planning and Control. He is a co-author of Quality Engineering in Production Systems, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1989. He is also the author of Reliability Engineering, Addison-Wesley, 1996. These two books received the 1990 and 1997 IIE Joint Publishers Book-of-the-Year Award respectively. His recent book Reliability Engineering 2nd Edition, Wiley, 2012 received the 2013 Outstanding IIE Publication.
Dr. Elsayed is also a co-author of Analysis and Control of Production Systems, Prentice-Hall, 2nd Edition, 1994. His research has been funded by the DoD, FAA, NSF and industry. Dr. Elsayed has been a consultant for AT&T Bell Laboratories, Ingersoll-Rand, Johnson & Johnson, Personal Products, AT&T Communications, BellCore and other companies. He served as the Editor-in-Chief of the IIE Transactions and the Editor of the IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering. He is Editor-in-Chief of Quality Technology and Quality Management. Dr. Elsayed is also the Editor of the International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering. He serves on the editorial boards of eight journals in different capacities. He served an external evaluator for many undergraduate and graduate programs.
Dr. Elsayed is a frequent keynote speakers in National and International Conferences and is the recipient of many awards including Golomski Award for the outstanding paper, William Mong Distinguished Lecturers Award, David F. Baker Research Award of the Institute of Industrial Engineers for Research Contributions to the discipline of Industrial Engineering, inducted member of the Russian Academy for Quality, IIE (Institute of Industrial Engineers) Fellow Award, ASME Fellow, Senior Fulbright Award and the Recipient of 2011 Thomas Alva Edison Award for US Patent 7,115,089 B2.
Keynote II: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 10:40 – 11:20 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Jafri Bin Mohd Rohani (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Dr. Mohamad Norjayadi Tamam
Delivery Management Office
Productivity Growth Department
Malaysia Productivity Corporation
Lorong Produktiviti
Selangor Darul Ehsan
Dr. Mohamad Norjayadi B. Tamam is a trained consultant specifically in the area of Productivity & Quality (P&Q) enhancement programme. His current responsibilities is to ensure the successful implementation of the Malaysia Productivity Blueprint (MPB) by coordinating, monitoring and evaluating implementation of productivity strategies by both public and private sector players. At the Delivery Management Office (DMO), he work closely with the stakeholders and the 11 Productivity Nexus to spearhead the productivity roles to propel Malaysia to become an advanced economy and inclusive nation. Together with DMO’s dedicated team and the 11 Productivity Nexus, he contributes to the success implementation of initiatives related to encourage adoption of digital technology among businesses. The implementation of initiatives such as Business Virtual Advisory Services (BVAS) in 2020 and MyReskill Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in 2021 under his purview has contributed to encourage adoption of digital technology among the businesses.
Keynote III: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 10:40 – 11:20 am
Session Chair: Professor Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia)
Dr. Wawan Dhewanto
Professor of Entrepreneurship
School of Business and Management (SBM)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
Wawan Dhewanto is a Professor of Entrepreneurship at School of Business and Management (SBM), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Indonesia. His research interests are on Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Leadership, Management of Innovation and Technology, Digital StartUp, dan Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Internationalisation.
Wawan Dhewanto obtained his bachelor degree from the department of Industrial Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Indonesia. He got a Huygens scholarship to continue his study in Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management at the Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft), Netherlands. Then he was awarded the Australian Development Scholarship to finish his PhD, at Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Australia.
Wawan Dhewanto joined the School of Business and Management (SBM) Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) in January 2004 and he was involved in developing Entrepreneurship and Technology Management (ETM) Research Group. He was the head of that Research Group between 2012 and 2017. He also was involved in developing and became the Director of SBM ITB’s newest Study Program, Bachelor Program on Entrepreneurship, between 2013 and 2018. Between 2012 and 2015, he served as Head of Entrepreneurship Development Division of ITB Entrepreneurship and Innovation Development Institute (LPIK ITB). Then he served as General Secretary of ITB Academic Senate (SA ITB) since 2019.
Keynote IV: Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 12:00 – 12:40 pm
Session Chair: Professor Dr. Wong Kuan Yew (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Casey Ang
Founder of Operational Skills Development Centre
Lenoxcells Consulting Sdn. Bhd.
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Casey has close to twenty years of experience in driving operational & business process improvement and organizational change across different industries such as Electronics Manufacturing Services, Metal Fabrication, Tyre Manufacturing, Injection Moulding, Packaging, Automation Inspection Machine, Furniture industry, and Gold Jewellery Manufacturing. He is specializing in the areas of Operational Excellence, Lean Six Sigma and Process Digitalization across various manufacturing industries (MNCs and SMEs). He is also the founder of Operational Skills Development Centre (OSDC), an Advisory Board Member of Operational Excellence Society and the recipient of the Malaysia Productivity Champion from years 2017 to 2019.
September 14, 2022
Keynote V: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 9:20 – 10:00 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Adnan Bin Hassan (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Prof. Duc Truong Pham
Chance Chair of Engineering
University of Birmingham
Duc Truong Pham OBE FREng FLSW FSME FIET FIMechE PhD DEng holds the Chance Chair of Engineering at the University of Birmingham where he started his career as a lecturer in robotics and control engineering following undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Before returning to Birmingham in 2011, he was Professor of Computer-Controlled Manufacture and Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Centre at Cardiff University. His research is in the areas of intelligent systems, robotics and autonomous systems and advanced manufacturing and remanufacturing technology. His academic output includes more than 600 technical papers and 16 authored and edited books. He has supervised over 100 PhD theses to completion and has won in excess of £30M in external research grants and contracts.
Keynote VI: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 10:00 – 10:40 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Jafri Bin Mohd Rohani (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Dr. Mohd Azman Idris
Senior General Manager
SIRIM STS Sdn Bhd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIRIM Berhad)
Shah Alam, Selangor
Dr. Mohd Azman Idris joined SIRIM in 1986 after graduating in Mechanical Engineering from University of Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom. He later obtained his Master in Manufacturing Systems Engineering from Warwick University, United Kingdom in 1993. He was awarded his PhD. from University of Paisley, United Kingdom in 1998 for a thesis entitled “A TQM Implementation Model for SMEs Manufacturing Industries”. He has published more than 20 papers related to quality management and SMEs development with special focus on SMEs.
During his appointment as APEC – IQAS Expert/ Trainer for Standards Based Management (1998-2002), he has conducted training on Standards Based Management in Philippine, Taiwan, Brunei and Vietnam. He has successfully completed 12 ISO 9000 and TQM related projects (1997 – 2005). His research interests include Quality Management and SME Development.
Keynote speaker for International Conference on ISO 9000 and TQM (ICIT) (2005-2014) and World Network Friendship (AOTS – 2008). Appointed APO trainer for TQM (2002). Involved in UNIDO Asean – Japan TQM Projects (1997 – 2001), National QCC Convention panel judge (2003) and National Technical Committee for QMEA/Prime Minister Quality Awards (2008-2010). He was the project manager for The Development of Multi-media Self-Reliant Toolkit Package on Quality Control, Quality Cost and Certification funded by JAIF (2010-2011). He was awarded APBEST Advisor Award by APBEST Academy, Hong Kong in 2012.
Currently he is the Senior General Manager for SIRIM STS Sdn Bhd (a wholly-owned subsidiary of SIRIM Berhad) responsible for leading and managing the training, consultancy standards development services offered by the company. Services include Standards Based Management Systems, Quality Tools and Techniques, and Best Practices.
Keynote VII: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 10:40 – 11:20 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Syed Helmi Bin Syed Hassan (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Professor Ts. Dr. Mohamad Sattar Rasul
Chairman of STEM Enculturation Center, Faculty of Education
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)
Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
His research area include TVET Curriculum, TVET Career Development, and STEM Education. In 2018, he received an Award of the Most Highest Researchers Receiving External Research Grant. He has received a number of grants from NGO’s and industry such as FELDA, Exxonmobil (7 years in a row from 2015) and Tabung Haji (TH) (2 years in a row from 2017) for STEM development and received grants for TVET research from MARA and MoHR and MoE. In 2019, he received Malaysian Research Assessment (MyRA) outstanding award 2019.
His excellence as a dynamic academic expert also recorded the recognition, he has won the Community Involvement/Engagement Award in 2015 and 2019 as an academic with a very active community engagement. In 2018 he has won the “Most Published in Indexed Journal (WOS / SCOPUS / ERA)” award. Until now he has published 193 articles in indexed journals and 14 academic books. At the international level, he won the Gold Award and the Best of the Best Award in Innovative Practices in STEM Education and Industry Exhibition (I-PEINX) 2016.
At the international level, he has been appointed as Local Consultant for Malaysia by the Department of Skills Development (DSD), Ministry of Human Resources Malaysia (MoHR) and International Organizations for Migration (IOM) the UN Migration Agency for Certification System of ASEAN Guiding Principle (AGP) Assurance and Recognition. As the Board Members of Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (AASVET) and Members of IVETA (International Vocational Education and Training Association). He is also the Editor of Journal of Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training (JAVET) and Malaysian Journal of Education (MJE). He also being appointed as Assessor for Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) starting June 2019. As for international research he is the Project Overseer Information for Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) for the project of Actualization of Integrated STEM Degree Programmes. Until present he has been as keynotes speakers at more than 35 national and international conference/seminars.
Keynote VIII: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 11:20 – 12:00 pm
Session Chair: Professor Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo (Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia)
Muhammad Nizam Ir. Ph.D.
Coordinator of National Research Priority for Product: Energy Storage (Lithium) and Charging Station
Secretary of Centre of Excellence for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, UNS
Head of Engineering Academic Senate
Head of Electric Vehicle Technology and Sustainable Energy Systems Research Group
Sebelas Maret University
Surakarta, Indonesia
Muhammad Nizam is a professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia, and his Ph.D. from the National University of Malaysia (UKM). Currently, Professor Nizam is in charge of national research projects and multinational companies related to electric vehicles, batteries, and renewable energy in Indonesia. His research interests are Power Systems, Power Quality, Energy Management, Energy Storage Systems, Electric Vehicles, and Battery Management Systems. One of his research interests is energy storage systems and their applications. He has published more than 100 publications in indexed international journals and seminars. Currently, he has been appointed as an advisor and consultant for several start-ups in the fields of battery technology, electric vehicles, and renewable energy. He is a professional engineer and member of IEEE, PES, and PII.
Keynote IX: Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 12:00 – 12:40 pm
Session Chair: Prof. Don Reimer
Prof. Kerstin Johansen
Full Professor
Project leader Resilient and Sustainable Production – Proactive greenfield and brownfield production development (RaSP)
Jönköping University
Kerstin Johansen is Full Professor at Jönköping University and has more than 10 years of industrial experience. Kerstin is research leader of the Production Development Group in the Department of Industrial Product Development, Production and Design. Her research interest is on integrated product and production development, human-robot collaboration and sustainable manufacturing. She is project leader of the Swedish research project “RaSP – Resilient and Sustainable Production – Proactive greenfield and brownfield production development”. Dr Johansen joined Scientific Reports as an Editorial Board Member in 2021.
September 15, 2022
Keynote X: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 10:00 – 10:40 am
Session Chair: Dr. Ahad Ali
Paul Odomirok
President and CEO
Performance Excellence Associates, Inc.
St Augustine, Florida, USA
For the past 45 years, Paul has been involved in several careers spanning Academia, Engineering and Development, Manufacturing, Corporate Executive Leadership, Consulting and Entrepreneurship. In his ‘first career’, he taught Mathematics and Computer Science at all levels of learning, from Pre-School to Post-PhD. He was even involved in designing graduate level curriculums at the University of South Carolina as an Adjunct Professor. His second career began in 1985 with NCR (National Cash Register). Beginning as a Senior Programmer Analyst, he was promoted to Manager – Software Development, Product Manager, Manager – Product Management, Corporate Strategic Planner for Banking and Retail, Director – Retail Systems Product Integration, Retail Systems Manufacturing, Director of Quality and Customer Satisfaction, and Corporate Coach. During his stint in corporate America, he was involved in the NCR/AT&T merger, and was responsible, as a Director of Quality, for the cultural transformation and change leadership for the Retail Systems Division Organization in Duluth, Georgia, at the Lean Manufacturing Plant. Leveraging his involvement with Bell Labs Organization Effectiveness Group and Harvard Business School T.E.A.M. Research Study, he left NCR/AT&T in 1995 to pursue a consulting career, in the areas of Leadership, Strategy, and Performance Improvement. Over the past 25 years, he has worked with more than 100 organizations on over 250 strategic, leadership and performance improvement projects and programs. His past clients include Anixter, AT&T, Boeing, IISE, Motorola, GM, Northrop Grumman, U.S. Department of Defense and many major Universities. Most recently he provided performance improvement assistance to LXE, Crosby Tools, CNA Insurance, Fibervisions, DeLaval, Perkins and Will, Boston Whaler, The Department of Defense, Care Logistics, Medivators, Med America, Sparton, Emory Hospital, Grady, Oscar Health, Health First, ASAA Insurance, The Georgia Hospital Association and many others encompassing several markets and industries including; Engineering, Manufacturing, Healthcare, Aerospace, Telecommunications, Government, Defense, Supply Chain, Energy, Retail, Banking, Academics and Higher Learning. His first book, “Affordability: Integration of Value, Customer and Cost for Continuous Improvement” was released December 2016. His newest book, “Healthcare Affordability: Motivate People, Improve Processes, and Increase Performance.”, was released September 2018. He is currently, President and CEO of Performance Excellence Associates, Inc.
Keynote XI: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 10:40 – 11:20 am
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Jafri Bin Mohd Rohani (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Prof. Nigel Grigg
Professor of Quality Systems
Group Leader, Department of Operations and Engineering Innovation
Massey University
New Zealand
Nigel has been involved in quality management since the late 1980s, beginning with several quality-related roles in industry followed by three decades as an academic, researcher, trainer and consultant. He is currently Professor of Quality Systems at Massey University in New Zealand, and leads the Department of Operations and Engineering Innovation. Among his other roles, he is the Associate Editor of the Routledge international journal Total Quality Management and Business Excellence and is currently serving on the NZ national reference group to TC176 (ISO 9001). He is a Fellow of the UK Chartered Quality Institute, a Senior Member of the American Society for Quality, a former director and president of the New Zealand Organisation for Quality, and an active supporter of the Australian Organisation for Quality. He has published over 300 research papers, reports and book chapters related to quality management, Business Excellence and continuous improvement, and is currently pursuing a Certificate in Arts majoring in creative writing. He divides his time between homes in New Zealand and Thailand, and enjoys hillwalking and climbing; playing and recording original music; and motorcycle touring.
In this talk, Nigel will present an original model that he developed in 2020, which re-conceptualises quality management as a continual balancing act between creating and delivering value; managing risk; and controlling costs. He will explain how focusing on these fundamental elements can not only help with managing quality in the disruptive and often chaotic contexts within which organisations and supply chains are currently operating, but also provide a framework for selecting appropriate management tools to help with the dominant quality objectives at a given time.
Keynote XII: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 11:20 – 12:00 pm
Session Chair: Professor Dr. Noordin Bin Mohd Yusof (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
David Khaw
President, Project Management Institute Malaysia Chapter
Part-time Lecturer, Universiti Malaysia Pahang
Industrial Advisory Panel Member, Universiti Malaysia Pahang
David Khaw is the current Project Management Institute Malaysia Chapter President serving over 1,500 members throughout the nation. As a leader, David empowers the chapter volunteers to turn ideas into reality. He continues mentoring and coaching to inspire them to their maximum potential in their professional development. David holds a double master’s in Business Administration and Project Management from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. He is also a certified Project Management Professional from Project Management Institute, Accredited Trainer from HRD Corp Malaysia, International Certified Professional Trainer from International Professional Managers Association, UK, and a trained ICF Coach. David continually advocates the essence of project management and coaching as life and professional skills.
Keynote XIII: Thursday, September 15, 2022, 12:00 – 12:40 pm
Session Chair: Associate Professor Dr. Azanizawati Binti Ma’aram (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, UTM)
Dr. Matloub Hussain
Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management
College of Business (COB)
Abu Dhabi University
Dr. Matloub Hussain is a Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Management in College of Business (COB) of Abu Dhabi University, UAE. COB is the only business school in the region with AACSB and EQUIS Accreditations. Dr Hussain has a PhD from the Management School of University of Liverpool, UK, accredited by AACSB & AMBA. He has over 12 years of enriched academic experience. To his credit, Prof. Hussain has over seventy international refereed journal papers, three books, conference papers and many other scholarly contributions. He has been publishing in top journals of operations and supply chain management including, IJPR, IJPE, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Tourism Management, etc. Prof. Hussain has won the Abu Dhabi University Researcher Award in 2017 and 2018 and CoB Research Awards in 2018, 2017 and 2016. He has been also honorarily selected as a University Research Fellow in year 2016-2017. He has been actively involved in various research projects inside and outside the University. Currently, he has a research grant of $ 50000 on the issue of social sustainability in healthcare supply chains of UAE. He is also involved in various consultancy projects with local industry and government institutions. He is currently a member of several professionals and academic societies/journals. Prof. Hussain is actively involved in DBA program review and chairing committees of DBA review and quality assurance. He has successfully supervised more than 15 DBA students. He has also served as a Chair of Department between 2019 to 2022.
Past Keynotes
- IEOM 2010 – Dhaka
- IEOM 2011 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2012 – Istanbul
- IEOM 2014 – Bali
- IEOM 2015 – Dubai
- IEOM 2015 – Orlando
- IEOM 2016 – Kuala Lumpur
- IEOM 2016 – Detroit
- IEOM 2017 – Rabat, Morocco
- IEOM 2017 – Bristol, UK
- IEOM 2017 – Bogota, Colombia
- IEOM 2018 – Bandung
- IEOM 2018 – Paris
- IEOM 2018 – Washington DC
- IEOM 2018 – Pretoria
- IEOM 2019 – Bangkok
- IEOM 2019 – Pilsen
- IEOM 2019 – Toronto
- IEOM 2019 – Riyadh
- IEOM 2020 – Dubai
- Detroit (2020)
- Harare (2020)
- Singapore (2021)
- Sao Paulo (2021)
- Haiti (2021)
- Harbin (2021)
- Rome (2021)
- Bangalore (2021)
- Surakarta (2021)
- Monterrey (2021)
- Istanbul (2021)
- Nigeria (2021)