Virtual Presentations
10th Annual IEOM Conference
Presentations Scheduled from March 9 to March 12, 2020. All times are USA Eastern Time. You can use your computer or phone via internet to get the time. Each presentation is limited to 15 min. You may do 12 min presentation and 3 min for Q&A.
- Monday, March 9, 7:45 am to 8 pm (USA EST Time)
- Tuesday, March 10, 8 am to 8 pm (USA EST Time)
- Wednesday, March 11, 8 am to 5 pm (USA EST Time)
- Thursday, March 12, 8 am to 5 pm (USA EST Time)
- Additional times will be added
Please select a time for your virtual presentation. All times are in USA Eastern Time. You can add your name add your time and date for your virtual presentation in Google Sheet
Click Here to Sign Up for Your Virtual Presentation
For your presentation, you can use power point and talk from there. Click the below Zoom link to join the meeting through internet. Please try to use mute while listening. During questions, you can unmute.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 383 536 059
Password: 124413
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Dial by your location
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 383 536 059
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For Recorded Presentations
You can upload your recorded presentation in YouTube and send us your private link. Based on the permission, we will upload your videos in IEOM YouTube site. Please send your link to Dr. Taufiq at
Any question, please send an email to
Message from Your Organizing Committee
Dear IEOM Dubai 2020 Conference Participants:
If you delivered a virtual presentation or provided a recorded presentation, you will receive a presentation and a participation certificate. All registered authors will receive a printed program and all certificates by posted mail. We have begun to add page numbers of the papers and abstracts. We have also begun to upload some of them on the proceeding page – Conference proceeding papers will be sent to Scopus for indexing.
The virtual conference format will enable you to participate in the conference without any of the potential health risks of being exposures to the Coronavirus. The IEOM Society hopes to return to Dubai when the threat of the virus has been eliminated.
Thank you for your understanding and support of the IEOM Society and its mission.
Ahad and Don
IEOM Society International
21415 Civic Center Dr.
Suite # 217
Southfield, Michigan 48076, USA
Phone: 1-248-450-5660