IEOM Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement (pdf)
The Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM) Society International publishes peer-reviewed articles in the field of Industrial Engineering (IE) and Operations Management (OM) to advance the theory and practice as well as to identify major trends in IE and OM areas. The IEOM Society expects all parties participating in the publication of the Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management to commit to our policies of publication ethics. IEOM Society Publication does not tolerate plagiarism or other unethical behavior. Best practices are followed on ethical matters, errors, and retractions. Any manuscript that does not meet these standards will be removed from the IEOM publication.
The international Conference on IEOM has developed the following responsibilities for authors, reviewers and our Editorial Board and expects all parties to adhere to these guidelines:
Author Responsibilities
- Authors obliged to participate in peer review process.
- Authors must certify that their manuscripts are their original work and all authors have significantly contributed to the research.
- Authors must certify that the manuscript has not previously been published elsewhere.
- Authors must certify that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
- Authors must notify the IEOM Society International of any conflicts of interest.
- Authors must identify all complete reference sources used in the preparation of their manuscript.
- Author is obliged to provide proper acknowledgment of the work of others used in a research.
- Authors must report any errors they discover in their manuscript to the IEOM Society International and correct the results.
- Authors agree to transfer the copyright to IEOM Society International.
- If the reviewers recommend extensive revisions, authors may be asked to revise their work and then to resubmit the article.
- Author must not use any fabricated research data in their work, which might lead to deceived outcomes
Reviewer Responsibilities
- Reviewers must notify the IEOM Publication of any conflicts of interest.
- Reviewers must keep information pertaining to the manuscript confidential.
- Reviewers must bring to the attention of the editor any information that may be reason to reject publication of a manuscript.
- Reviewers must evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content (objective).
- Reviewers should point out relevant published work which is not yet cited.
Editorial Board Responsibilities
- Editors must keep information pertaining to submitted manuscripts confidential.
- Editors must disclose any conflicts of interest.
- Editorial Board must evaluate manuscripts only for their intellectual content.
- Editors are responsible for making publication decisions (accept or reject) based only on the paper’s importance, originality, clarity, and the study’s relevance to the IEOM Conference.
- Editors must preserve anonymity of reviewers.
- Editors must ensure the quality of the publish material
- Editors should be responsible for champion freedom of expression.
- Editors must maintain the integrity of the academic record.
- Editors must always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.
- Editors should publish a description of peer review processes, and should be ready to justify any important deviation from the described processes.
- Editors reserve the right to edit text for clarity, style and length of the accepted manuscripts.
- Manuscripts will be evaluated for their content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy.
- Articles published become the property of IEOM Society International and may not be reproduced without permission.
If you have any question about IEOM Conference and/or IEOM Society International, please contact: