IEOM Student Chapter at Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS), Surakarta, Indonesia
IEOM UNS Student Chapter
IEOM Student Chapter Name and Location:
Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Ir. Sutami 36A Jebres, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
Faculty Advisors
Dr. Muh. Hisjam and Dr. Wahyudi Sutopo
Department of Industrial Engineering
Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)
Surakarta, Indonesia
Email:, hisjam@uns.
Phone: +6281325701401
Photos for IEOM Student Chapter Launching
Chapter Officers: 2022-2023
- Marcellinus Abellard Arioseto, President, Batch 2019
- Ruby Geraldyne Musu Putri, Secretary, Batch 2021
- Whisnu Pharama Yudha, Secretary, Batch 2021
- Jessica Paleta, Head of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2019
- Saida Rahma Afifi, Staff of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2020
- Fariduddin Attar Rahman, Staff of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2020
- Danish Faizi Adinata, Staff of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2021
- Safiro Permata Putra, Staff of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2021
- Angela Regine Mutiaraputi, Staff of Program & Skill Development, Batch 2020
- Evelyn Nathania, Head of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2020
- Deadila Defiatri, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2020
- Halidya Siti Hanifah, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2020
- Alya Ramadhani, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2020
- Mohammad Rafli Putra, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2021
- Muhammad Alfaatih Salsabila, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2021
- Mikail Naufal Kemal, Staff of Creative Design & Communication, Batch 2021
Chapter Officers: 2020-2022
- President: Iqbal Wahyu Saputra
- Vice President: Fitri Nur Muqodimah
- Secretary: Fadhilah Al Karimah
- Treasurer: Cecilia Intan Wijayanti
- Director of Social Media: Maria Retno Savitri
- Director of Program/Activities: Viny Sartika
- Director of Membership: Romdhoni Nur Huda
- Director of Communication: Intan Dewi Melinda
- Muhammad Fernanda Sutrisno
- Muhammad Iriandru Pradipta
- Nurina Sharfina
- Nurrudin Baidowi
- Phengky Pangestu
- Rizqi Fadhlillah
- Sarah Rizmianti
- Yuka Sato
Website of industrial engineering department:
Planned Activities
- Workshops and seminars: Industrial Engineering Conference ( IDEC ) Sebelas Maret University
Description: International conference and seminar about industrial engineering studies
- Plant tours: Industry visits
Description: Visiting local industry
- Communication development: Industrial English Club
Description: English club to improve English writing, reading, listening and conversation skills
- Career development: Alumni Lecturing Series ( ALS )
Description: Seminar by alumni insight about career opportunities and tips after graduate
- Community outreach: Life as industrial engineer ( Lifting )
Description: An event to introduce how it feels to be an industrial engineers for highschool students
- Alumni relations: IE UNS alumni gathering ( Gathering IDEA )
Description: Alumni and student gathering to celebrate the IE UNS anniversaries
- Design product competition: Design Competition for Industrial Engineering ( Descomfirst )
Description: International design product competition for undergraduate students
- Fund raising: Summer school
Description: Held an event like summer camp by inviting students of other universities