IEOM Student Chapter at University of West Bohemia – Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Jiri Tupa
Associate Professor
Department of Technologies and Measurement
Vice Dean for Faculty Development
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
Plzen-City, Czech Republic
Phone: 37763 4008
Chapter Officers
- President: Ing. Andrea Benešová
- Vice President: Ing. Michal Švehla
- Director of Social Media: Ing. Ondřej Michal
- Director of Communication: Ing. Andrea Benešová
Chapter Members
- Andrea Benešová
- Michal Švehla
- Ondřej Michal
- David Fremr
- Pavel Štáhl
- Karel Krupička
- Jiří Navrátil
Activities and Photos
- Workshops
- Industrial visits
- Projects meetings
- Participation on IEOM conferences
Dr. Jiri Tupa,