IEOM Society International
IEOM High School STEM Club
High Schools are now eligible to establish, IEOM STEM Club, as an extracurricular activity. This innovative club will bring together high school students who have an interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The high school will provide a teach who will serve as a club advisor. Members of the club will be engaged in developing innovative product ideas that may the potential to be commercialized. The IEOM STEM Club may participate in other activities and special project that incorporate STEM such as a poster competition. The primary purpose of this extracurricular activity is to promote STEM careers among high school students. Your high school can apply to the IEOM Society to establish a STEM Club and send an application for to
List of IEOM High School STEM Clubs
- Bay Area of San Francisco & San Jose, California, USA
- Arongghata High School, Khulna, Bangladesh
- Ironwood High School, Glendale, Arizona, USA
IEOM STEM Club Application / Renewal Form
Form in MS Word
Form in pdf
Each IEOM Student Chapter should have minimum 7 members and a teacher advisor
□ New Chapter
□ Renewal
IEOM High School STEM Club Name and location:
Name and Email address of person submitting this application
Teacher Advisor name and contact information of your IEOM High School STEM Club
Please list the names of the IEOM High School STEM Club Officers (Minimum three officers are required)
- President:
- Vice President:
- Secretary:
- Treasurer:
- Director of Social Media:
- Director of Program/Activities:
- Director of Membership:
- Director of Communication:
- Director of Newsletter/Publication:
Please list the names of the IEOM High School STEM Club Members
Provide a Plan of Activities of your IEOM High School STEM Club.
Past Competition Winners
IEOM STEM Proceedings
3rd IEOM High School STEM Poster Competition – Michigan 2019
Saturday, April 13, 2019
Venue: Lawrence Tech Campus
2nd IEOM High School STEM Poster Competition – Michigan 2018
Saturday, March 17, 2018
Venue: Lawrence Tech Campus
1st IEOM High School STEM Poster Competition – Michigan 2017
Saturday, June 17, 2017
Venue: Lawrence Tech Campus
Comments from Past Participants of IEOM Global STEM Competition
Recently we have IEOM Morocco Conference ( where we had IEOM MS/HS Poster Competition. You can see testimonials from two student participants. You can see some event photos here:
2017 IEOM Conference at Rabat was really an eye opening experience for me. I never really understood how competitive and how intriguing STEM really was before this. I was able to see how statistics were utilized in different ways. The professionals there were all very approachable, and gave us very positive feedback on projects that we did. I was also able to observe what other high schoolers, and college/graduate students were doing, and received criticism on my own project. I was luckily to receive the High School STEM Oral Presentation, 1st Place Award. However, not only was I able to experience intellectual growth; I was able to grow culturally as well. Since IEOM is held in different locations every time, I was able to see the different lifestyles of different people. This year, the conference was held in Morocco. I had opportunities to visit the Rabat city and saw all that Morocco had to offer. IEOM conference really is a life changing event, and I would not hesitate to participate again.
By Timothy Liu, Lynbrook High School, Cupertino, CA
When daddy told me that we are flying to Rabat, Morocco to attend the IEOM conference, my first responses are: (1) will it be safe in Africa, (2) are we (US Citizens) welcomed there, (3) can we communicate well with people there in English? When we landed at the Rabat Airport, our concerns wouldn’t bother us immediately. People there were friendly and could speak English very well. They have cars and use I-Phones like us. Conference was amazing and we were so welcomed. Morocco students are smart, and study hard like us from USA. Keynote Speakers were great, especially the Award Dinner Speaker talking about the Science and Math History. We enjoyed French Dinner Event and Rabat City Tour. We hired a Taxi Driver to visit several attractions within Rabat City. We could have a closer look at Rabat History as well as seeing more local people there. This definitely is a culture shock for us, and which has changed our impressions on African People and grown our global visions. When taking the return flight and leaving the Rabat Airport, within less than 60 hours stay there, I could not believe how much I have learned between arriving and leaving the same airport. We are lucky that IEOM will arrange another special STEM-California STEM Competition Event in our Bay Area this summer. I will also submit more STEM Projects to IEOM Bogota Conference in October. Thank You, IEOM.
By Mason Chen, Milpitas Christian Middle School/Stanford Online High School, San Jose, CA
Industrial Engineering Programs of Lawrence Technological University and IEOM Society International (Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Society) are jointly organizing IEOM STEM (Science Technology, Engineering & Math) Poster Competition for K-12 students. You can create a poster illustrating your project in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) and present it to industry professionals in the STEM fields.
Participants will bring a poster including any school STEM project poster. The size of the poster should be 36″ x 48″ (36 inches high by 48 inches wide). Tri-folder is also accepted. Posters will be judged for each grade level of K-12. Winners will receive recognition certificates. Any students in Michigan can join the competition.
Trophies will be provided for the first, second and third place winners for each grade category
Poster should have the following features:
- Title
- Abstract
- Purpose / Objectives
- Materials
- Methods
- Data
- Results
- Charts / Graphs
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- References
IEOM High School and Middle School Poster Template (MS Word PDF)
8-12 slides power point can be prepared and glue on a poster board
08:00 – 10:00 Registration
10:00 – 13:00 Poster Competition (K-12)
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch and Keynote
14:00 – 15:00 Winners Recognition and Certificates Distribution
Professor Don Reimer
Co-Chair: IEOM STEM Poster Competition